A warm January day allows for trenching.
Today was warm enough to allow me to get some excavation work in at the Wiscasset Airport. I wasn’t sure if this job would be done this year or not. It was pretty surprising to be working in a muddy trench on January 26th, but what an enjoyable day. Thank you to my customer David who helped me get the 2″ pressure line in the trench. It’s 160# line, which is a bit of challenge to wrestle with even on the warmest day in August. Today is was stiff and did not want to uncoil. But in it went thanks to some warming time in David’s hangar and a large torch. We got the trench cut, pipe installed with foam, and backfilled today. David got the conduit in place for the lift station. Tomorrow the job will be wrapped up after another load of sand to cover the lift station. I’m sure he’ll be happy for a functional toilet.