New undercarriage

Feb - 23

New undercarriage

Excavators are incredible engineering marvels: able to lift a staggering amount of weight, spin 360 degrees continuously, move a tremendous amount of material, etc.  However, they operate on tracks, and in my case steel tracks.  The tracks are not lubricated in the traditional sense, meaning they are not greased daily like the rest of the machine.  Much of the forces applied to the machine are transmitted to the tracks and their components and over time the undercarriage parts wear.  Every movement of the machine means metal to metal motion, compounded with sand, mud, dirt, etc, amplifying the wear and ultimately the undercarriage parts need to be replaced.  My machine has needed undercarriage work for some time.  I’ve been very fortunate to have enough work that it was too difficult to take the machine out of use, however, the time has come to do the work.  And I’ve begun to pull in the parts to start.  Today I picked up the new piston rods for the track adjusters from Milton Cat, and a pallet of parts from Industrial Tractor Parts.  The pallet contains new bottom rollers, the top carrier rollers, sprockets, and idlers.

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