Latest Newsletter

Mar - 29

Do you know what is inside your concrete floor?

There are many things in our lives that we don’t stop to consider past the obvious.  For example have you ever wondered what’s inside your garage floor? More than likely not.  Many people think of concrete as just that- nothing more.…

Mar - 28

Have you heard of flowable fill?

Today “flowable fill” was used at Colby & Gale.  Flowable fill is a combination of sand, water and other components in a liguid/slurry form, allowing it to “flow” into voids and cavities.  It’s nearly self-leveling, and best of all compacts…

Mar - 22

Colby & Gale needs new lifts

Colby & Gale’s downtown service station has been around in various forms for a long time.  It’s a mainstay in town.  A lot of gas and diesel is pumped there and Daryl Fraser does a steady volume of maintenance and…

Mar - 14

50% complete!

I finally finished one side of the undercarriage!  By choosing my days (I was very lucky to have had several excellent days) I was able to apply two coats of paint to the undercarriage and components.  Then it was on…

Mar - 03

New rollers and sprocket

What a day!  Beautiful and cold means no mud, which is great as I went back to work on the machine.  Today I installed the new bottom rollers and sprocket.  Plenty of “never-seize” and new bolts torqued to Caterpillar’s spec’s. 175 ft lbs to…