Author: Christian

Mar - 01

The old parts come off

After a couple of days of continued soaking in penetrating oil, periodic hammer blows and preliminary attemps with the impact gun to loosen things up it was time to try and remove the rollers and sprocket.  In order to try…

Feb - 29

Starting the work on the undercarriage

Today marked the first day of the undercarriage replacement.  With all of the parts in hand the first step was to remove the old track.  The job will be done one side at a time.  The “easiest” way to remove…

Feb - 26

Undercarriage components

During my last trip to Industrial Tractor Parts, I measured a new track pad and compared it to mine so I could judge the wear on them.  I determined that I had an acceptable level of wear to re-use the…

Feb - 23

New undercarriage

Excavators are incredible engineering marvels: able to lift a staggering amount of weight, spin 360 degrees continuously, move a tremendous amount of material, etc.  However, they operate on tracks, and in my case steel tracks.  The tracks are not lubricated…

Feb - 01

Concrete cutting

The Moxy Cove job provided for a very tight access point in the foundation.  The builder and general contractor, Roy, decided it would be best to create an access door in the taller section of the foundation.  This allows the…

Jan - 21

Looks like a complete miss………..

I’ve been keeping a watchful eye on the storm to our south.  As of today it looks as though it will miss us completely.  However, it appears those in its track, roughly 20 million people by the time it hits…

Dec - 29

Our first snow of the season!

Snow has arrived finally after a really warm fall.  Christmas day was beautiful wasn’t?  I have been able to continue with site work right up until Christmas.  There has been zero frost in the ground and the rainfall has been…